What Are Alternative Investments?
What Are Alternative Investments?
Venture Capital
One of the greatest ways to build wealth in this country is to be an entrepreneur and build a great company. For those that can’t, the next best thing may be to invest in that entrepreneur that can. Venture capital is investing in early-stage, innovative businesses looking to disrupt an industry. With our partners at iSelect Fund, we help clients manage their own venture portfolio in areas such as Food & Agriculture, Healthcare, Resource Efficiency, and B2B Technology.
Real Estate
This asset class has a wide array of opportunities and can offer an investor benefits from stable cash flowing properties to pure equity growth through development. Whether you are seeking single-family homes, multi-family apartments/condos, senior housing, hospitality, storage units, or even land entitlements, adding passive real estate to a portfolio has often proven to assist in lowering portfolio volatility over the long term. See a few of our partners below.
Precious Metals/Nusimatic
Looking to hold gold and silver, we offer direct purchase or custodian accounts for qualified assets.
Private Debt
Also sometimes referred to as “private loans”, private debt is not too dissimilar from corporate bonds in that they are an investment whereby you loan a company money for a stated term at a stated interest rate. Being that they are private, though, they are afforded flexibility to be structured in many different ways, have different filing and registering requirements than public bonds, and typically do not exchange hands between investors. For this illiquidity, however, investors are paid a premium to other fixed income offerings.
Much like you build out the equity side of your portfolio with many “classes” of stocks (small, mid, large, international, emerging market, etc.) there are many other alternative opportunities. Whether that be commodities, hedge strategies, private equity, global infrastructure, or others, we can run through all that we have to offer and build the right portfolio to give you the exposure to alternatives that suit you.